Customers using a credit card will now be charged the 3.5% credit card fee. We do offer a cash discount of $0.03 off per square foot for sod. Personal checks are still not accepted.
2025 Retail Turf Pricing
Square footage price breaks are held for 24hours. After that additional sod needed will be charged at the current pricing.
1785 LEED Approved Turf
0 - 449 sqft: $8.00/ 1 yard (9sqft) piece
450sqft - 1800sqf: $.55/ sqft
1801 - 4500sqft: $.53/ sqft
4501 - 9000sqft: $.51/ sqft
9001 - beyond: $.50/ sqft
We do not accept personal checks.
Double Eagle Fescue Blend
0 - 449 sqft: $7.00/ 1 yard (9sqft) piece
450sqft - 1800sqf: $.47/ sqft
1801 - 4500sqft: $.45/ sqft
4501 - 9000sqft: $.43/ sqft
9001 - beyond: $.41/ sqft
Pallets require a $30 refundable deposit due at the time of payment. Pallets may be returned in good condition within 15 days for full refund or 30 days for half refund. You MUST have a receipt at the time of return or refund cannot be issued. Refunds are given in the same form they are received. Because our pallets are custom made for our cutter, we cannot accept outside pallets in place of the pallet deposit.